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Mille fleurs
28 juin 2010

Ca sent les vacances!

Ca sent les vacances!
It smells holidays here... Very hot weather, a plastic swimming pool is sitting in the garden and I'm finishing things before leaving! My boys and girls have finished school and everything seems all right, with honours. Next year I will have 4 kids in...
12 juin 2010

Week end pluvieux... et T13

Week end pluvieux... et T13
C'est bof bof par ici. Ma dentelle est bien jolie mais pas bien grande et pas finie. La pluie m'a empêchée de faire un cliché plus net, bref. C'est bof bof. Et puis aujourd'hui on a eu la fête de l'école républicaine, avec son buffet mixte normal/hallal....
8 juin 2010

A new coat (and new weaving!)

A new coat (and new weaving!)
Hello! I just finished a new coat with my handwoven fabric and liberty. Size is 2 years, and the baby is not yet born... We're still in summer, I had to be in advance this time! I love this pattern which is so simple to sew. I have also started a new...
3 juin 2010


Yesterday I received a beautiful surprise from Enora, who lives in La Réunion, many (many!) sweet and fat vanilla pods. Her mail was so perfumed that our living room smelled vanilla the hole day! I made vanilla yoghourt in new, blue pitchets I got from...