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Mille fleurs
27 octobre 2009


Holidays are blessed when you can stay with your children! Happy sweets are so easy to do: I've finisched the doll Poppy which I recommend strongly, you can buy the pattern at Ysolda's. I use Treliske organic yarn and it is really beautiful. And we've...
25 octobre 2009


Hi! A simple week-end with friends and family makes a Happy Sunday Evening (others HSE here). Herbs book found full of plants collected by my sister (which one?), new harvest, and a puzzle for a sweet morning... Have a happy week! Bonsoir! Un week-end...
21 octobre 2009


Rainy wednesday, we went to Paris with the kid and bought books and pencils. I recently had time to complete other small purses for gifts; these ones are handknitted or handwoven. I am also still working on Poppy who went to the hair dresser! And on an...
16 octobre 2009


Easy embroidery, but great effect: sashiko (see link at right). I had this blanket I've made, organic dark blue cotton and liberty, with wool fleece inside, and it was not so nice... I just add some sashiko embroidery and it became very acceptable - according...
13 octobre 2009


A new tricot'13 whose theme was garter stitch, with my handspun yarn, silk and wool, and lined with Liberty (about 5" wide). Aujourd'hui, nouveau Tricot'13 sur le thème du point mousse. Une petite trousse avec de la laine et soie filées main, doublure...
11 octobre 2009


(Pas de mot ce soir, une pensée pour ma marraine qui a perdu son mari. Les autres HSE de Poppy)
8 octobre 2009

Yes we can!

Yes we can!
Yes we can cook some good baguettes from Paris. Although, we can't really translate properly the recipy, so if you insist I'll do it, otherwise I let it in french. Hope you won't be too much disappointed! Let me a message! Yes, we can faire une baguette....
4 octobre 2009

Happy Sunday Evening

Happy Sunday Evening
A new happy sunday evening, after a lot of sun but colder... It's nice to have received such a nice gift from Lou et Tom and enjoy a new week with many projects! Thank you Isabelle! Nouveau HSE après beaucoup de soleil mais plus froid... C'est doux de...
2 octobre 2009

Moving slowly...

Moving slowly...
There are many things moving here, but lots of them are moving slowly. Like the fylingdales (ravelry link, a great model), waiting after a fair isle project and Ysolda's doll. The wool is Green Mountain Spinnery Mohair and I love it... I don't use a spare...