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Mille fleurs
2 octobre 2009

Moving slowly...

Moving slowly...
There are many things moving here, but lots of them are moving slowly. Like the fylingdales (ravelry link, a great model), waiting after a fair isle project and Ysolda's doll. The wool is Green Mountain Spinnery Mohair and I love it... I don't use a spare...
2 septembre 2009


We've home and tomorrow the kids will be at school again. Twins are getting in primary school for the first time!! This summer, I've been weaving, sewing, knitting... and even embroided. I've woven several baby blankets that I may sell on etsy or here....
9 novembre 2009


A happy monday morning it is, with a warm and soft merinos sweater. Thank you for this delicious free model! (Ravelry link and more information here) I used short rows, 4mm needles and organic merinos from Treliske - a beautiful quality. I love it so...
27 juin 2009


I wanted to cut - sigh- my handwoven fabric and to try to make a coat. I've received "Basic Style" from, which provided easy to understand patterns, designed for children. Let's try it! The goal is to cut as little as possible, sew as little...
15 novembre 2009


Hello there! For a new Happy Sunday Evening, let's see what we have been doing during at least 4 hours today... mount twin beds and dismount the old bed, plus store books and shoes (many many many). The children Kingdom is falling asleep now. I didn't...
13 décembre 2009

Happy Sunday Evening

Happy Sunday Evening
After a rich and long saturday evening, this sunday is much more quiet and cosy. Light has not become better for pictures anyway... Here are a finished vest for my son and the finished La Droguerie coat with the pockets. Sleeves are really shirt now!...
25 décembre 2009

Saint Noël à toutes!

Saint Noël à toutes!
Georges de la Tour Cette année j'ai eu la chance de "profiter" de l'avent. Depuis que j'ai arrêté de travailler - si on peut dire ça comme ça - le temps s'écoule différemment. J'en ai été apaisée, j'espère que ça a rejailli sur la maison et la famille...J'espère...
4 janvier 2010

Happy New Year - Bonne Année 2010

Happy New Year - Bonne Année 2010
I wish you a very happy new year 2010, may it be full of joy, for your family and friends. Maybe this year we could take a good resolution like this one: Anyway... Below are a few good things for today. An old northern Christmas tabecloth, handprinted,...
13 janvier 2010

Time is spinning fast!

Time is spinning fast!
Pfew, sometimes you wonder how time could go so quickly! It's time for kings, and a giant home-made galette (always form the same book), then for a birthday cake, homemade blinis, other birthday cakes. Then time to lose the 4.5mm needles you thought you...
16 octobre 2009


Easy embroidery, but great effect: sashiko (see link at right). I had this blanket I've made, organic dark blue cotton and liberty, with wool fleece inside, and it was not so nice... I just add some sashiko embroidery and it became very acceptable - according...
21 mars 2010

Shawl for spring

Shawl for spring
Hi! A new shawl for spring, as weather changes dramatically. Last week it was snowing and now rain and sun are mixing together in lovely rainbows. I knitted a new shawl with a mix of malabrigo and kidsilk. What a treat! Have a nice week (and a happy spring!)......
31 mars 2010

Still cold!

Still cold!
**** ouaaah! I got a playlist **** Hello! What do we have here today? Nice flowers, and warm crochet - no it's not for a dress! The yarn is from Bouton D'Or, a beautiful 1-ply alpaga. It's still really cold out there, even if sunshine shows up three or...
9 avril 2010

Here comes the sun!!

Here comes the sun!!
Hello Sun! I finished my winter scarf and my hat: which means I'll be able to store them into my drawer during the summer. Well this is anyway great news. .. This pretty sun makes me want to knit pink, and more pink. It must be said that one of our favorite...
15 avril 2010

Cas de force majeure (french only)

Cas de force majeure (french only)
Pas possible, je n'y crois mêêême pas, les éléments se liguent contre nous. Les grévistes, d'abord, le volcan Islandais ensuite. Ce soir, alors que j'étais tranquillement en train de préparer l'emménagement-vacances de demain dans un nouveau chez-nous,...
15 mai 2010


Hello! A bit of sunshine on a saturday morning, so that we could believe that spring is already there... But it so cold! A bunch of flowers and enough light to start again watercolour. Have a nice week-end! Bonjour! Un rayon de soleil le samedi matin,...
13 novembre 2009


Hi there! Thanks for your kind comments... After the owls, the cowl, to play to Trico'13 special accessories. I've knitted my handspun qiviut. This is musk ox fiber and you can find great quality chez Caryll. and the result is really hot and light (1oz)....
23 novembre 2009


Christmas is arriving soon enough to start knitting something soft and warm for dear friends. I've knitted Ysolda's Ishbel (see also the post about Poppy doll) and it is a great model. I used 5mm needles and a skein of my handspun yarn, which is a tweed...
23 septembre 2010


I had been staring at the little gemstones since 6 months now... Yesterday, I took my revenge from being hypnotised and created two nekclaces: they will be offered for Chritsmas! There are iolite, amethyst, quartz, prasiolite, on silver. I love them both....
2 décembre 2009


Hello there.... Not so many posts these times. I write more and more in my own black book and less on the Internet. Perhaps an excess of advertising and hype blogs makes me reluctant from all the web relationship? There are too many things to sell everywhere...
28 juin 2010

Ca sent les vacances!

Ca sent les vacances!
It smells holidays here... Very hot weather, a plastic swimming pool is sitting in the garden and I'm finishing things before leaving! My boys and girls have finished school and everything seems all right, with honours. Next year I will have 4 kids in...
8 juin 2010

A new coat (and new weaving!)

A new coat (and new weaving!)
Hello! I just finished a new coat with my handwoven fabric and liberty. Size is 2 years, and the baby is not yet born... We're still in summer, I had to be in advance this time! I love this pattern which is so simple to sew. I have also started a new...
25 octobre 2009


Hi! A simple week-end with friends and family makes a Happy Sunday Evening (others HSE here). Herbs book found full of plants collected by my sister (which one?), new harvest, and a puzzle for a sweet morning... Have a happy week! Bonsoir! Un week-end...
12 juin 2010

Week end pluvieux... et T13

Week end pluvieux... et T13
C'est bof bof par ici. Ma dentelle est bien jolie mais pas bien grande et pas finie. La pluie m'a empêchée de faire un cliché plus net, bref. C'est bof bof. Et puis aujourd'hui on a eu la fête de l'école républicaine, avec son buffet mixte normal/hallal....
16 septembre 2010

Sunny September

Sunny September
Hello, what's up here, close to Paris? Well, we had beautiful and long holidays, we did not knit much and took a lot of sunshine. The kids have gone back to school and gardening has taken me much time. Cleaning and sorting, too... We will perhaps move...
1 octobre 2010

Châtaignes... Chestnuts!

Châtaignes... Chestnuts!
Hello! This week, the kids and us had a walk in the forest and got plenty of chestnuts. Then, I made the silly promise to cook them. This was so long to prepare them! But the cake was extra good and worth it... It got eaten before I could even take a...
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